Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our event

Our last assignment for this subject,


Venue: Publika, Mont Kiara

We chose Publika because of the floor plan is a pathway which is a long one and not a square one like how usually event's place held. Besides that, the area is a housing area and parents could leave their children in that event area and do some shopping or sit down at a coffee shop while chit chat and keeping an eyes on their children. Because the shoplots are at the side of the event and it's very convenient.

Food stall that suits the taste of children. Cheerful and colourful.

Merchandise store

Photobooth 1

Photobooth 2




Throughout this subject, Entertainment Design taught by Mr Michael Choong, I have gain a whole lot of knowledge about an event design and a microsite and etc. We mastered a few new technics on the softwares and we even learned how to use SketchUp. This is a really good opportunity for us to learn not only our mainstream but as well as other designers such as Interior Architecture basics Multimedia Interactive basics such as website designs. I mastered on how to create a layout of a website and how it works and planned it out on photoshop. It is quite fun to work with. A new experience to gain.

For the first assignment, our mission is to create a movie teaser poster (professionally) with the story planned out (plot and everything) and I learned a lot on how to do everything steps by steps and I have kept up on a habit that we students doesn't like to do that is name our layers on Photoshop and group it. I learned how to keep this as a habit and it makes works easy.

Other than that, our assignments are all related it means that assignment 1 is individual but assigment 2 and 2b and 2c is all related and so we have to plan well because it could make life easier if we planned everything out well and then everything will go smooth. We learned how to work professionally. I mean how to do our stuffs PROFESSIONALLY. 

Besides that, I learned how to write a proper design proposal. I know we're still lacking in many ways. Throughout this subject, I've gained a lot of knowledge about professional work. Besides that, working in a group for throughout the whole semester, we have to chose our group members carefully and since everyone has different ideas, we have to tolerate each other and spend more time on discussing seeking for tutorials. This is a great lesson we have learned throughout the semester.

In conclusion, I've learned a whole lot of great things throughout this semester and thank you so much to our lecturer, Mr Michael Choong on giving each of us patience and being such a great help for us throughout this whole semester. It is a step where we can improve and get better by each day. Thank you :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Microsite additional

Adding one more entry for our merchandise into our microsite

This is how it works.. You could chose the character on the left hand side and then press into the merchandise you want then it will pop out the white background showing example of the merchandise :)

we chose to show the cat merchandise because it is the main character of our story :) the heroine!