Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lecture Class 2

We're asked to answer these questions today :)

What led to the brith of Hollywood? what is your personal view of Hollywood? Name 5 Holloywood films that have changed the movie industry and describe the respective changes.

what is the relationship between colour technology and video games? Describe how dominant Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are in the history of video games?

How did the music industry began and what has happened since then? what was the impact of digital technology to the music industry? Is piracy killing the music industry

how dominating was the television and what has Youtube and Netflix fone to the broadcast industry?

Theme parks
describe theme park industry and how dominant is Disney compared to its competitors?

Digital Revolution
What kind of revolution is digital? how have conventional media owners responded to the digital content revolution? what about the issue of free and paid content?

Destiny Mark

I love reading vampire books and I guess there's where my inspiration comes from,too. So I finally decided to do a movie teaser poster of vampire and werewolf.

Genre : Vampire, Fantasy, Romance, Werewolf

I planned on doing a romance film about a werewolf fall in love with a vampire princess.
Is it possible? A walking death corpse with no heart beating, no soul and no emotion.

I couldn't come out with the full plot yet so I'm writing down some point forms of the story.

-A vampire kingdom who have a princess as their heir.
-The princess have to find her mate and rule after the kingdom with her mate.
-The princess who loved adventures, does not like to stay in the castle.
-The vampire princess looked for her mate in the 300 years.
-Werewolves are known as vampire hunters.
-Alexander the Alpha of the white snow pack killed the Queen of the vampire when one night she crossed to their territory to look for her daughter who has wondered in the woods.
-They came to a war among the werewolves and the vampires.
-They lost a lot of men among themselves.
-The Alpha's son of the strongest wolf pack has just turned 16.
-The boy turned 16 and it's the day on his birthday that he has to shift to a werewolf.
-A werewolf were to find his mate around 17-18 years old.
-Werewolf and vampire were enemies for thousand years.

-One day, the princess bang into the boy and sparks sparkling through their chest and there they knew they were each other's "mate".
-The werewolf couldn't believe that his mate is a filthy blood sucker vampire with beautiful and gorgeous looks in the world in spite of her pale white skin.
-The werewolf hated her and rejected her. But they could not avoid the fact that they're mates.
-They fell in love, but soon they have to face a war with werewolves and vampires. 
-They need to find an answer for themselves.

Would they sacrifice their love for peaceful? What if they insisted on being together? How will fate turn on them?

A door of answers will open up to them and they must get to the place to get the answers how could they possibly be mates while they're not of the same species.

Happy ending :) Don't worry. I don't like sad endings. Happily ever after.
-Now they would like to cooperate and stay in peace together.
-They signed a treat and agrees to live in peace together.
-A college was built that was specially for the vampires and werewolf. Not only that, they do have mythical creatures enrolling in the college too.

Setting of the scene: 21st century


Thunder striking the empty forest shaking the sky. Lightning cracked sending the werewolf shivers down their spines. On that very night, a vampire princess was born to the King and Queen. She has pale white smooth skin, red glowing eyes. To be continued ...

By the way, as to my title of this post ; the high possibility of Mark of Destiny will be the title of the story. I'm still thinking of a better title though. :)

Kayz. Time to cut off now :) Stay tune for the update.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Okay! Hi everyone. TGIF ^O^ but I guess not for me. On the way back home, the rain poured heavily and just for 5 minutes but I'm stuck in the jam for like 2 hours. 5.30-7.30pm Cool!

By the way, recap of today lecture/tutorial. I got this info graphic which is very useful for me to do a review every time when I want to plan on how should my teaser poster looks like.

Here it is, take a glance at it and you'll find it amazing. Thanks to my lecturer though.

End for a little update. I'm figuring out about my storyline. I'm cutting off all the imaginations about animals. While all I could think of is romance between a werewolf and a vampire. :) maybe

What do you think of it?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Research on the posters

My all time favourie movie. I never missed this. I would even repeat watching about 100 times and I won't get bored with it. Of course other people might feel bored and not thrilling for them but these movie are thrilling for me.

Edward & Bella. The main character will always be on the poster. 

There will be a little caption on every movie poster and the Movie Title is at the bottom corner which they emphasize on the character of the movie. Vampire Edward Cullen. The eyes of immortal and Bella a pure innocent teen girl.

The continue epic episode of Twilight Saga:
The werewolf which is Jacob Black. Three of the main character in the movie showing complex of the movie.

The last of Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. Caption of the movie is really important. They always give you a thrilling feeling and makes you wondering what meaning does it holds and what will happen in the movie.

Here comes some animations movie.

You can see the characteristics of the princess right in the movie poster. Tough and strong and having strong willpower. Fantasy. Palace in the background. Attractive because of the colours.

This can be seen as a story book tale as in "Once upon a time..." . This movie poster gave this feeling that you're going to read a storybook for a kid.

Something that is spooky but not exactly spooky and thrilling. Excitement of the mystery.
From dark to light. From black to colourful of the background.

Plain and clean background. Simple and neat which brings out the small little character out easily.

For my movie poster:

I wants to bring out the romance and something related to all these movie posters that I found here. Thrilling and exciting? Maybe. But not scary or spooky. Something little. Something cute. :)
I've a plan on doing cats animation. Cats Kingdom. Cats Vampire. Supernatural Cats. Or should it be cats? Or maybe human but animations would be fun I guess.

I'll end this post right here :) I'll update you with more ideas about movie poster. Look forward! :D

First Task First Post

My first post for Entertainment Design subject blog :)

Hello everyone:)
I've been given the first task/assignment for this subject.
Produce a Movie Teaser Poster for a fictional film.

What comes to my mind when I heard about this that is palace, war, battle, immortals, fantasy, vampires. Woahhh~ It would be awesome my imaginations.

First I have to find some inspirations and research to start with.

Here comes my inspirations.

I look inspirations through my phone. While I'm searching for new games to download into my smartphone. I used Android software. Let's take a look here. Google Play. I searched for games and some illustrations take I'm interested in.

I found one interesting game which is have a story line. The name of the game is SpiritWalkers. It seems really interesting. We have to use our brain to find out the clue and solve the problem. Mystery.
I tried to find some animals related games. There were some like raising the animals or having a pet. It's so cute but I would like to try something thats is cute yet mystery.

Besides that, I found this CatWar. This really catches my attention because I wanna do animals illustration.

The illustrations are really cute but the characters of the cats are so lively. I would like to do something like that. My main characters would be animals. I would like to do cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, etc.

Done with the games. 

Here comes my another source of inspirations. Inspirations could be found anywhere. This is wattpad. You can download this app to your phone and read any storybooks or fan fiction or just stories upload by everybody in the world. It's really useful. I read it almost everyday.

Here's the genre. By the way, for your information my favourite genre is Vampire. Please check it out. I'm so addicted to the Turned by Morgan Rice. You can find this book easily in Wattpad. Besides that, since I'm a girl I would look into romance genre,too. I look for teens fiction, vampire, fantasy, mystery and romance. I guess there's where I click the most in my phone.

Okay, my own interest in own fantasy and I really like vampires. I bet everyone knows about the movie Twilight. Edward and Bella. I bought the whole set of the novels and I never missed out their movie in cinema :) It's really awesome. Werewolf and human and vampires. Their powers and the battle how it begins and ends its really exciting for me.

My main inspiration: Twilight.