Thursday, March 28, 2013

First Task First Post

My first post for Entertainment Design subject blog :)

Hello everyone:)
I've been given the first task/assignment for this subject.
Produce a Movie Teaser Poster for a fictional film.

What comes to my mind when I heard about this that is palace, war, battle, immortals, fantasy, vampires. Woahhh~ It would be awesome my imaginations.

First I have to find some inspirations and research to start with.

Here comes my inspirations.

I look inspirations through my phone. While I'm searching for new games to download into my smartphone. I used Android software. Let's take a look here. Google Play. I searched for games and some illustrations take I'm interested in.

I found one interesting game which is have a story line. The name of the game is SpiritWalkers. It seems really interesting. We have to use our brain to find out the clue and solve the problem. Mystery.
I tried to find some animals related games. There were some like raising the animals or having a pet. It's so cute but I would like to try something thats is cute yet mystery.

Besides that, I found this CatWar. This really catches my attention because I wanna do animals illustration.

The illustrations are really cute but the characters of the cats are so lively. I would like to do something like that. My main characters would be animals. I would like to do cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, etc.

Done with the games. 

Here comes my another source of inspirations. Inspirations could be found anywhere. This is wattpad. You can download this app to your phone and read any storybooks or fan fiction or just stories upload by everybody in the world. It's really useful. I read it almost everyday.

Here's the genre. By the way, for your information my favourite genre is Vampire. Please check it out. I'm so addicted to the Turned by Morgan Rice. You can find this book easily in Wattpad. Besides that, since I'm a girl I would look into romance genre,too. I look for teens fiction, vampire, fantasy, mystery and romance. I guess there's where I click the most in my phone.

Okay, my own interest in own fantasy and I really like vampires. I bet everyone knows about the movie Twilight. Edward and Bella. I bought the whole set of the novels and I never missed out their movie in cinema :) It's really awesome. Werewolf and human and vampires. Their powers and the battle how it begins and ends its really exciting for me.

My main inspiration: Twilight.

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