Monday, April 1, 2013

Second Story

Second story that came through my mind~
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, Horror? (I guess not)

Mina, a 16 years old girl who has inherited the ability to see souls or called as spirits, from her father. She always talks to the spirits by herself since she was young. But in other people's view who doesn't have the ability to see ghosts they thought they were insane. One day, when she was being bullied by her classmates she saw a pretty boy with arrogant attitude sitting up on the tree. Austin, the boy was around 10 years old. She wondered what has cause his death. She tried to speak with him and be friends with him but the boy did not respond to her. Austin jump off from the tree and said "Stupid" to her and a "swoosh" and was gone in a blink. Mina doesn't really mind what he said to her but wanted to help him. From that day onwards, Austin has always wanders around Mina and observe her. Austin will only said a few words, like "Stupid", "No", "Yes", "Go away" and some other short sentences. He never talks in a long sentence. But after they spend sometime together, they start to share some topics to talk about. He was surprised that she tried to help the wandered souls to rest in peace. He observed how she help the souls to solve their worries and carry on their next life. Mina was happy with what she can do with her abnormal power. She wants to help the little boy, too. In truth the boy is not dead yet. Her father can tell from it looks and define what souls are they since her father has more experience and have seen variety of souls in the world. Austin's body is lying in the hospital from coma. He has been sleeping for almost a year and refused to go back to his body. There was a specific reason that he was hiding from Mina. He has an unforgettable past and he doesn't want to go back to reality and would like to enjoy childhood. Austin brings Mina to the hospital to take a look at Austin's body lying on the patient bed when Mina's classmate suggested to hunt the ghost in the hospital at night. Mina was surprised to find Austin is actually a 18 years old boy but his soul takes form in a 10 years old boy. Austin told Mina the reason why he refused to go back to the reality and it gave Mina a shock because it was actually Austin's father who tried to kill him for hugging his mother. Austin's father has always hated him because he feels that he's taking his mother away from him. He would always give Austin a bloody glare once he goes near to his mother and his mother could not do anything. Austin is in a deep depression and Mina tries to comfort him and find ways to help him to get back to his body. Austin finds a new reason to get back to the reality because of Mina. He tries to find a way back to his body and humorously he doesn't know how because he has wandered in his soul form out from his body from a long time. One day, Mina have a class trip to the jungle. Her father asked Austin to take care of Mina because he knew what was going to happen to Mina. Mina meet an accident in the jungle and Austin was really sad he couldn't help. Mina was in a coma and her soul went to look for her father. Mina decided to go back to her body with Austin. They met in the hospital and here they are met in real life. Happy ending.

Okay. What if you can see ghosts? What will you do? Discovered you may be a help to them. What if you have a soul mate? Despise that he's a wandering soul while you're alive. How could you possibility be together when you're in the different world? What is there left to be when all you want is to be with him?

The title: Heartbeat Soul

I thought of this title because Austin was a living spirit. He's alive. His heart is still beating. Okay. That's what I thought of.

Second "Soulmate" , because Mina found that she falls in love with a spirit while she doesn't know that he's even a living spirit. Soulmate. Thats what I think.

Credits to Carmen for giving the idea of ghosts, phantom, magic etc.
And the inspirations I get is from a comic :) I love to see comics, too. Otaku? Ughhh._. Probably not.

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